The AAFD is organized by the formation of exclusive Trademark Chapters representing all of the franchised systems for which we have a significant number of members. The Association’s Trademark Chapters provide a crucial service of helping franchise systems throughout the United States develop consensus decisions within their franchise systems and to promote more equitable franchise relationships which exhibit the AAFD’s goal of Total Quality Franchising!
AAFD Goals
MARKET SUPPORT SERVICES — to promote negotiated franchise relationships within the franchising community, and generally to enhance economic and market power for franchisees by identifying, developing and implementing programs, products and services to build economic strength and bargaining power for the members.
LEGISLATIVE & LEGAL ADVOCACY — To represent Association members by exerting collective influence in matters of mutual concern and by advocating beneficial legislation and legal doctrines and providing legal support for members.
EDUCATION — To provide ongoing and current educational programs, professional development opportunities, information exchanges, and research endeavors to meet the continuing needs of the association’s membership.
ACCREDITATION — To foster, establish and maintain standards and responsibilities and experience among franchisors and franchisees, and to acknowledge and reward exemplary practices by companies engaged in franchising and other forms of dealer distribution systems.
ETHICS — To promote and maintain high standards of service and business integrity through the dissemination, application and enforcement of the Association’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Responsibility.