Business opportunities with TCC can benefit your company or organization. Our mission is to discover best value solutions in the purchase of products and services while presenting competitive opportunities.
- Bids with TCC: Register to become an approved vendor and find information about doing business with TCC. This includes open bid opportunities, purchasing policies, and Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises.
- Business Advisory Council: Partner with TCC to help guide programs related to your business and build a skilled workforce for the future.
- Design and Construction Standards: View technical design and furniture standard guidelines when working with TCC.
- Documents: Find manuals and additional documents from our Procurement Department.
- Facility Reservation: Find out how to reserve space at TCC for your next conference or event.
- Minority/Women Business Enterprises & Historically Underutilized Business: Read how TCC creates successful business opportunities by partnering with Minority/Women Business Enterprises & Historically Underutilized Business (M/WBE/HUB).
- Auctions: Bid on TCC's surplus inventory through auctioneer LSOauctions. TCC employees are not allowed to participate.
- Procurement: Contact our Procurement Department with questions.